Awwwe.... I love this strip of film so much! But putting my personal feelings aside, I'll review it.
Personally, the animation style just... makes me want to smile. I mean, honestly, even though at times the line composition wasn't exactly smooth, it fit perfectly well with the style of the animation. I had a strange sense that it was a type of Asian animation style, from the way that the foxes colors were animated. tHey had a solid structure. ((and, you know, the language appearing in it.))
Right off of the bat I fel tlike I was watching one of those enjoyable short stories that used to appear on television. The ones with a meaning. And from what I can see, the moral of this story seems to be that you shouldn't judge things as soon as you see them. Once the fox saw the shadowy skeleton creature, it automatically presumed that its structure and colors meant it was a threat and thus untrustworthy. Thus, it runs off. However, after the strange dog creature ((from teh ears, I would assume it's a hyena or canine of some sorts in the wild)) kills the mouse and returns the fox's colors to it, the fox trusts it more and sees it as a friend rather than a predator.
What also caught my attention was the story and how it was depicted- I mean the animation was nearly flawless. Especially as the fox walked back and forth around the tree, investigating where the mouse was. However, during that scene something felt off. Maybe the background wasn't moving at the same speed as the rotating tree? I can't help but fill as if something more should have been done, to make it seem like it was moving. However, as an amateur animator, I also need to learn such skills. I rarely ever animate from anything other than a 2D perspective, and only produce animations on doink due to my lack of materials. In which case, I loved how the frames neatly came together. SO in a sense this was a learning experience just as much as it was a critical analysis.
Well done to you all, and I hope to see more!